I started teaching in 2000, herding a cute and squirrely group of five-year-olds through a summer art program. Every day a flood of ideas poured out of their heads and bodies, taking shape as rainbow-colored butterflies, hideous monsters, shiny robots, or elaborate treasure chests and glittering treasure. Every day I wore myself out keeping pace with them, collapsing the minute I got home. But their imaginations were an inspiration and I was hooked.
Since then I’ve worked with all ages and levels in the classroom – including special needs children and adults recovering from mental illness – exploring various media from ceramics to painting, drawing, printmaking and papier-maché. I love witnessing students opening their eyes to art. We all gain so much by acquiring tools of expression. I know for many of my students, getting encouragement and confidence with materials and methods makes all the difference. That’s all they need to take off and give shape to their own personal story.
I offer a variety of adult and children's workshops at various locations on O‘ahu. Classes range from drawing and painting to book arts, general creativity, and travel-oriented art.
To get notification of upcoming class offerings, send me an email at tamara.moan@yahoo.com.